
On 19 Sep­tem­ber 2010 I found­ed the “Lay Com­mu­ni­ty of St Joseph”.

On this day we cel­e­brat­ed St Joseph as nurs­ing and fos­ter father of JESUS. It also has a deep mean­ing that it was pre­cise­ly on this very feast day.

This lay com­mu­ni­ty is par­tic­u­lar­ly ded­i­cat­ed to St Joseph.

Its mem­bers remain at home dressed as laypersons.

On admis­sion the mem­bers will receive the Arti­cles, a pic­ture of St Joseph with a par­tic­u­lar, short prayer and a Medal of St Joseph. Mem­bers will receive a cir­cu­lar let­ter each month.
If there are any ques­tions, always con­tact me per­onal­ly, do not ask a third party.

The mem­bers do their best to make St Joseph known. For exam­ple if they meet peo­ple whose wor­ries are well known: rec­om­mend them warm­ly to go to St Joseph, the great helper, pro­tec­tor and lawyer in Heav­en. After­wards turn to St Joseph on behalf of these people.

Should some­one, male or female, feel attract­ed, they can con­tact me at any time. Peo­ple liv­ing in a more remote country/continent, and unable to per­son­al­ly come to Reheto­bel due to old age or for oth­er rea­sons, can be admit­ted as “remote mem­bers”. In Reheto­bel, the admis­sion is always solemn.

Some­time in the future a reli­gious order will crys­tallise out of this com­mu­ni­ty – GOD knows when!? Maybe I will live to see it.