
If you wish to enrol in the ‘Lay Com­mu­ni­ty of St Joseph’, please reg­is­ter by fill­ing in all the fields below and click­ing on ‘send’, because we need these data to issue the doc­u­ment of admis­sion. Your full address is required to be able to send you the month­ly let­ter and if nec­es­sary, in case of an absen­tee admis­sion, the Doc­u­ment, the Medal and Book­let of Admis­sion. It would save me a lot of time and effort if these data need not be request­ed sep­a­rate­ly. In the box “Remarks” you may men­tion whether you wish an absen­tee admis­sion in case you are not able to come in per­son. We hope you will under­stand and I look for­ward to every sin­gle enrolment!

Who just wants to have some infor­ma­tion or to ask any gen­er­al ques­tions may con­tact me at “Con­tact”.

    (Required field)

    Dis­patch of month­ly let­ter (Pflicht­feld)