I am hap­py to wel­come you to my web­site! Below you will be informed about how your data is dealt with. Cur­rent sta­tus: 25.05.2018 (In com­pli­ance with the cur­rent legal posi­tion, this Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy will be adapt­ed accordingly.)


The han­dling of all the data will take place with­in the scope of the cur­rent legal EU data pro­tec­tion rules. You are here­by informed in accor­dance with para­graph 33, sec­tion 1 of the Bun­des­daten­schutzge­setz (Fed­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act) that your per­son­al data is stored in machine-read­able form. Dis­clo­sure to third par­ties does not occur.


Must a Data Pro­tec­tion Del­e­gate be appointed?

A Data Pro­tec­tion Del­e­gate (DPD) is not required since there are few­er than 10 per­sons reg­u­lar­ly work­ing with per­son­al data.


Name and address of the per­son responsible:



Bergstrasse 52

CH-9038 Reheto­bel


Rep­re­sent­ed by: Paula Schneider


Tel.: +41 (0)71 / 877 22 22


E‑Mail: lgs@laiengemeinschaft-des-hl-josef.com

Web­site: www.laiengemeinschaft-des-hl-josef.com

Gen­er­al infor­ma­tion for data processing

Legal basis: EU – Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion GDPR


1. Mak­ing con­tact – han­dling con­tact data

If you con­tact me via the offered oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­tact (e.g. by e‑mail, tele­phone or via social media), you pro­vide me as well as the Asso­ci­a­tion of the New Chris­tians, with which I work togeth­er and which is the oper­a­tor of this inter­net site, with your con­sent to store your per­son­al data so that they may be accessed for the pro­cess­ing and answer­ing of your request. With­out your con­sent we will not dis­close your per­son­al data to any third par­ties. The per­son­al data will be processed and stored in our head office in Switzer­land (address see above). We will delete your per­son­al data if it is no longer necessary.


We explic­it­ly point out that data trans­mis­sion in the Inter­net (e.g. by e‑mail) can have secu­ri­ty gaps. A com­plete pro­tec­tion of data from third par­ty access is not pos­si­ble. The use by third par­ties of the con­tact data pub­lished with­in the scope of our statu­to­ry legal notice oblig­a­tions for send­ing unso­licit­ed adver­tis­ing and infor­ma­tion mate­ri­als is here­by express­ly for­bid­den. Except­ed from this are exist­ing rela­tion­ships or when our cor­re­spond­ing con­sent is pro­vid­ed. The oper­a­tors and any third par­ties men­tioned on this web­site express­ly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unso­licit­ed send­ing of adver­tis­ing or infor­ma­tion mate­ri­als. The same applies to the com­mer­cial use or dis­tri­b­u­tion of data.


2. Scope of per­son­al data processing

We process per­son­al data of our users in prin­ci­ple only in so far as this is required for the pro­vi­sion of a func­tion­al web­site as well as for our con­tent and services.


3. Data dele­tion and stor­age duration

The per­son­al data of the per­son con­cerned will be delet­ed imme­di­ate­ly, as soon as the pur­pose of stor­age ceas­es to apply or the per­son requests this in writ­ing. Data bound by legal reg­u­la­tions to a stor­age dura­tion will not be delet­ed until the legal stor­age peri­od has expired.


4. With­draw­al option

The user will at any time have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to revoke his con­sent to the stor­ing and pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data. In such a case the con­ver­sa­tion can­not be con­tin­ued. A with­draw­al of your con­sent to the stor­ing and pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data can be sent to me at any time by e‑mail or post:


Paula Schnei­der

Bergstrasse 52

CH-9038 Reheto­bel

E‑mail: lgs@laiengemeinschaft-des-hl-josef.com


All per­son­al data stored in the course of con­tact­ing us will be delet­ed in this case (unless there is a legal stor­age peri­od, see item 3).


Your rights as per­son concerned


As user of our web­sites, the GDPR grants you cer­tain rights when pro­cess­ing your per­son­al data:


1. Right of access

You have the right to demand a con­fir­ma­tion whether the per­son­al data con­cern­ing you is processed. If this is the case, you are enti­tled to obtain infor­ma­tion regard­ing these per­son­al data. For data pro­tec­tion rea­sons, this infor­ma­tion will only be giv­en upon writ­ten request (with orig­i­nal hand­writ­ten sig­na­ture) and will like­wise only be sent in the form of a letter.


2. Right of cor­rec­tion, restric­tion and deletion

You have the right to demand the imme­di­ate cor­rec­tion of inac­cu­rate per­son­al data con­cern­ing you, the restric­tion of the same or, if applic­a­ble, to have incom­plete per­son­al data completed.

You also have the right to demand a dele­tion of the per­son­al data con­cern­ing you with­out undue delay, pro­vid­ed we are not bound by legal oblig­a­tions to store the data.


3. Right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry authority

You have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty if you con­sid­er that the pro­cess­ing of the data con­cern­ing you infringes data pro­tec­tion regulations.



Pro­vi­sion of the web­site and cre­ation of log files


1. Descrip­tion and scope of data processing

Each time our web­site is vis­it­ed, our sys­tem auto­mat­i­cal­ly records data and infor­ma­tion from the com­put­er sys­tem of the access­ing computer.

  • The fol­low­ing data is gath­ered here:
  • Infor­ma­tion on the brows­er type and the ver­sion used
  • The user’s oper­at­ing system
  • The user’s inter­net ser­vice provider
  • The user’s IP address
  • Date and time of access
  • Web­sites from which the user’s sys­tem reach­es our website
  • Web­sites that are accessed by the user’s sys­tem via our web­site

The data will also be stored in the log files of our sys­tem. This data will not be stored togeth­er with oth­er per­son­al data of the user.


2. Pur­pose of data processing

Tem­po­rary stor­age of the IP address by the sys­tem is nec­es­sary to enable pro­vi­sion of the web­site for the user’s com­put­er. For this pur­pose the user’s IP address must be stored for the dura­tion of the session.

Stor­age in log files is car­ried out to ensure the func­tion­al­i­ty of the web­site. Fur­ther­more, the data allows us to opti­mise the web­site and to guar­an­tee the secu­ri­ty of our Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy sys­tems. Data analy­sis for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es does not take place in this context.


3. Dura­tion of storage

The data is delet­ed as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the pur­pose for which it was obtained. In the case of data col­lec­tion for the pro­vi­sion of the web­site, this applies at the end of the respec­tive session.

When data is stored in log files, this is the case after three days at the lat­est. Stor­age beyond this is pos­si­ble. In this case, the users’ IP address­es are delet­ed or scram­bled so that assign­ment of the access­ing client is no longer possible.


4. Option for objec­tion and elimination

Record­ing of data for pro­vi­sion of the web­site and the stor­age of data in log files is absolute­ly nec­es­sary for oper­a­tion of the web­site. There­fore, the user has no right of objection.



Use of Cookies


1. Descrip­tion and scope of data processing

Our web­site uses cook­ies. Cook­ies are text files which are stored in the user’s Inter­net brows­er or on the user’s com­put­er sys­tem by the Inter­net brows­er. If a user access­es a web­site, a cook­ie may be stored on the user’s oper­at­ing sys­tem. This cook­ie con­tains a char­ac­ter­is­tic char­ac­ter string which enables unique iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the brows­er the next time the web­site is called up.


We use cook­ies to make our web­site more user-friend­ly. Some ele­ments of our web­site require the access­ing brows­er to also be iden­ti­fi­able after a page change. Some cook­ies used by us are delet­ed again at the end of your brows­er ses­sion after your brows­er has been closed (so-called ses­sion cook­ies). Oth­er cook­ies remain on your PC and enable us to iden­ti­fy your brows­er at your next vis­it (per­sis­tent cookies). 


At the same time, the fol­low­ing data is stored and trans­ferred in the cookies: 

  • Date and time of access
  • A unique num­ber / let­ter com­bi­na­tion for the recog­ni­tion of your browse
  • A cook­ie name that can explic­it­ly be assigned to the accessed Inter­net site·                    
  • Infor­ma­tion on the stor­age dura­tion of cook­ies

Cook­ies are stored in encrypt­ed form and can­not be read by third par­ties who can access the cook­ie fold­er of your brows­er. Only the server/the web­site who cre­at­ed the cook­ie can decrypt and read it.


2. Pur­pose of data processing

The pur­pose of using tech­ni­cal­ly nec­es­sary cook­ies is to sim­pli­fy the use of web­sites for the users. Please note that some func­tions of our web­site can­not be offered with­out the use of cook­ies. These func­tions require that the brows­er can be recog­nised even after a page change. 


3. Dura­tion of stor­age, option for objec­tion and elimination

Cook­ies are stored on the user’s com­put­er and trans­ferred from there to our web­site. There­fore, as a user you also have full con­trol over the use of cook­ies. You can deac­ti­vate or restrict the trans­mis­sion of cook­ies by chang­ing the set­tings in your Inter­net brows­er. Cook­ies that have already been saved can be delet­ed at any time. This can also be done auto­mat­i­cal­ly. If cook­ies are deac­ti­vat­ed for our web­site, it may no longer be pos­si­ble to use all the func­tions of the Inter­net site to their full extent.



Web analy­sis by Mato­mo (for­mer­ly PIWIK)


1. Scope of the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data

We use the Open-Source-Soft­ware-Tool Mato­mo (pre­vi­ous­ly known as PIWIK) on our web­site to analyse the surf­ing behav­iour of our users. The soft­ware places a cook­ie on the user’s com­put­er (see above for cook­ies). If indi­vid­ual pages of our web­site are accessed, the fol­low­ing data is stored: 

  • Two bytes of the IP address of the user’s access­ing system
  • The accessed website
  • The web­site from which the user has reached the accessed web­site (refer­rer)
  • The sub-pages accessed from the accessed website
  • The time spent on the website
  •  The fre­quen­cy with which the web­site is accessed

In the process, the soft­ware runs exclu­sive­ly on the servers of our web­site. The per­son­al data of users is stored only there and will not be for­ward­ed to third parties. 

The soft­ware is set so that the IP address­es are not com­plete­ly stored, but 2 bytes of the IP address are masked (e.g.: 192.168.xxx.xxx). In this way, it is no longer pos­si­ble to assign the short­ened IP address to the access­ing computer. 

2. Pur­pose of data processing

The pro­cess­ing of the per­son­al user data enables us to analyse the surf­ing behav­iour of our users. Eval­u­at­ing the result­ing data enables us to com­pile infor­ma­tion on the use of the indi­vid­ual com­po­nents of our web­site. This helps us to con­stant­ly improve our web­site and its user-friend­li­ness. These pur­pos­es also con­sti­tute our legit­i­mate inter­est in the pro­cess­ing of the data. The inter­ests of the users with regard to the pro­tec­tion of their per­son­al data are suf­fi­cient­ly tak­en into account through the anonymi­sa­tion of the IP address.


3. Dura­tion of storage

The data will be delet­ed once it is no longer required for the pur­pose for which it was stored.


4. Option for objec­tion and elimination

Cook­ies are stored on the user’s com­put­er and trans­ferred from there to our web­site. There­fore, as a user you also have full con­trol over the use of cook­ies. You can deac­ti­vate or restrict the trans­mis­sion of cook­ies by chang­ing the set­tings in your Inter­net brows­er. Cook­ies that have already been saved can be delet­ed at any time. This can also be done auto­mat­i­cal­ly. If cook­ies are deac­ti­vat­ed for our web­site, it may no longer be pos­si­ble to use all the func­tions of the Inter­net site to their full extent.



Data trans­fers by third-par­ty providers in third countries


In some cas­es, per­son­al data is trans­ferred by the fol­low­ing third-par­ty providers to third coun­tries out­side the EU. In the event of Google LLC (USA), an appro­pri­ate lev­el of data pro­tec­tion results from the cor­re­spond­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion of Google LLC in the Pri­va­cy Shield agree­ment. In the fol­low­ing sec­tions, with the third-par­ty providers in ques­tion it is explic­it­ly point­ed out, should the pos­si­bil­i­ty exist, that col­lect­ed per­son­al data is trans­ferred to third coun­tries out­side the EU by the provider.


Data pro­tec­tion (com­ment func­tion)

With­in the scope of the com­ment func­tion of our blog, we col­lect per­son­al data (e.g. name, e‑mail) with­in the scope of your com­ment on a con­tri­bu­tion only to the extent that you have com­mu­ni­cat­ed to us. When a com­ment is pub­lished, the e‑mail address you pro­vid­ed will be stored but not pub­lished. Your spec­i­fied name will be pub­lished. You can also use a pseudonym.



We inte­grate videos of the plat­form “YouTube” of the provider Google LLC, 1600 Amphithe­atre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA, into this web­site. The pri­va­cy pol­i­cy of Google LLC can be viewed here: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy as well as the pos­si­bil­i­ty for opt-out here: https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated.


Data record­ing on our website

The data pro­cess­ing on this web­site is car­ried out by the web­site oper­a­tor. Its con­tact details can be found in the legal notice of this website.