St Joseph

The Sword-Bish­op says the fol­low­ing about St Joseph: Every­thing the Church has so far defined, spo­ken, cel­e­brat­ed about St Joseph is dust com­pared to his great­ness and glo­ry. Joseph was the Guardian of the great­est secret on earth, of the great­est trea­sure that GOD pos­sessed on earth at the time. He was the man of the house over Mary and JESUS. He was the head of the fam­i­ly accord­ing to Jew­ish law.

The Head of the Holy Fam­i­ly
Why, do you sup­pose, did GOD place Mary by the side of this man? That peo­ple might not see that this Child was not con­ceived under nor­mal cir­cum­stances. If she had been with the Child with­out a hus­band, she would have been stoned accord­ing to the Jew­ish cus­tom. There­fore, GOD gave her a hus­band and this man had to be such that peo­ple could assume that he is the father of this Child. Joseph would have to be at an age that matched Mary’s, because Mary was very young and beau­ti­ful right down to her fin­ger­tips. Every­thing was pure beau­ty as GOD had designed it. He would sure­ly not have giv­en her an old man at her side, a grey old man with a tuft of hair. Joseph was not an old man, as he is often depict­ed, with plane and saw in his hands, look­ing out into the world. He was a hand­some, intel­li­gent and clever human. He was the spit­ting image of the SAVIOUR.

Joseph Has All the Author­i­ty with GOD
Joseph is glo­ri­fied in Heav­en as Father, as Nurs­ing and Fos­ter Father. GOD grant­ed him a posi­tion as no oth­er Saint pos­sess­es. He is greater than any Saint in his own way, with the excep­tion of Mary. Joseph has received a patron­age over every­thing. He has all the author­i­ty with GOD. St Joseph appeared so often, espe­cial­ly in poor con­vents. He stood there with food, with fruits that were not of this world, nor from Heav­en, but from Par­adise. Joseph always appears in body, as do JESUS and Mary. So GOD took him up to Heav­en body and soul as well, and he is Above with a glo­ri­fied body. Even­tu­al­ly the Church will under­stand or grasp it and announce it pub­licly. Joseph is much greater than we think.


Joseph’s Pow­er of Inter­ces­sion
You, female beings, you moth­er­ly beings, take advan­tage of Joseph for your­selves; obtain for your­selves this trea­sure chest, which GOD Him­self filled up. In Heav­en, Joseph has the same rights as he had in the lit­tle house in Nazareth. Yes, he has even more rights because every­thing done on earth will become greater, more pow­er­ful in Heav­en. JESUS would like to glo­ri­fy him, for the very rea­son that he is still so unknown. Express your wish­es to St Joseph. If you have prob­lems with your hus­bands, take this bride­groom. He can achieve a lot in your mar­riage. You men, seek him, St Joseph, because mar­riage is not a pri­vate mat­ter – it is a Sacra­ment; and a Sacra­ment must be ful­filled as GOD wills it, oth­er­wise it is a sacrilege.

Peo­ple who strug­gle with puri­ty should take St Joseph as an ide­al exam­ple and help. Joseph did not have the slight­est impure thought in all his life. Beside Mary, the most purest crea­ture, GOD want­ed to have her Spouse to be absolute­ly pure and holy. The admirable thing about Joseph is: he was a human being like us. He did not have these priv­i­leged gifts of grace as the Moth­er of GOD had.

Nove­na to St Joseph

St Joseph at the Divine Throne
On earth, Joseph, Mary and JESUS were tied togeth­er by GOD by a firm bond and remain so for­ev­er in Heav­en. It can­not be that after death they just sep­a­rat­ed and that, now, Joseph is some­where around in Heav­en like some or oth­er Saint. No! I quite often see St Joseph togeth­er with his Spouse Mary stand­ing at the divine throne of their Son JESUS, some­times behind the throne slight­ly to the side or step­ping a lit­tle for­wards. He some­times whis­pers to his Son: “Oh, please do grant this request!” and the SAVIOUR looks at him smil­ing: “You are right, also for you there is not much to be pleased about look­ing down on the earth. – It is all right, let it be done!”

So turn to St Joseph for help – he is an all-round helper!