The Foundress

On 6 August 1938 I, Paula Schnei­der-Boden­mann, first saw the light of day. In Martisberg/Valais (Switzer­land) stood my cradle.


Josef, my father, and Helen, my moth­er, were moun­tain farm­ers and mod­el par­ents. I grew up with eight broth­ers and sis­ters, of whom I was the fourth. I was a very cheer­ful girl, who real­ly enjoyed life, though being shy and reserved. Very ear­ly I had to take respon­si­bil­i­ty, because my moth­er died at an ear­ly age.

After ele­men­tary school I attend­ed a domes­tic sci­ence school for two years and lat­er I spent a year learn­ing how to keep house with an upper class dentist’s fam­i­ly in Chur. With con­sid­er­able pre­lim­i­nary work expe­ri­ence in home nurs­ing and in a hos­pi­tal I com­plet­ed nurs­ing school in Bern successfully.

y joie de vivre and enjoy­ment of life did not pre­vent me from fol­low­ing the straight and nar­row. After many work­ing years I mar­ried on 5 June 1965 Niko­laus Schnei­der from Oberriet/St Gall, with whom I lived in per­fect har­mo­ny. I became a moth­er of four sons, for whom I gave my whole heart, even still today. 


In March 1975 my hus­band received from GOD the mis­sion to uncon­di­tion­al­ly offer his ser­vices to GOD and the Church. Dras­ti­cal­ly and pro­found­ly GOD inter­vened in our fam­i­ly. In June 1977, with a heavy heart, I vol­un­tar­i­ly gave up my hus­band for the priesthood. 


Every day I now sup­port my hus­band, the Sword-Bish­op, in his heavy call­ing as GOD’s Instru­ment. He appoint­ed me as spir­i­tu­al Moth­er and thus I share my life with my hus­band, chil­dren and many spir­i­tu­al children.

Moth­er Paula

Monthly Letter

of the Lay Com­mu­ni­ty
of St Joseph