The Holy Rosary of Saint Joseph
Anyone who wants to venerate St Joseph can also please him by praying the Rosary. There is also an audio recording of it (in German) in which the Sword-Bishop is leading the prayer. To be obtained at www.neuchristen-onlineshop.com

To begin with:
In the Name of the † FATHER and of the SOHN and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen!
Apostles’ Creed:
I believe in GOD, the FATHER Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth, and in JESUS CHRIST, His only-begotten SON, who was conceived by the HOLY GHOST, born of MARY, the Virgin, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, He descended into hell, the third day He rose again from the dead, He ascended into Heaven, sits at the right hand of the FATHER in communion with the HOLY GHOST, from thence He shall come, to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the HOLY GHOST, the LORD and Giver of life, who, like the FATHER and the SON, is adored and glorified.
I believe in the one, holy, apostolic Church founded by JESUS CHRIST, with the seven holy Sacraments instituted by Him.
I believe in the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, and the life of the world to come. Amen!
Glory be to the FATHER, to the SON, to the HOLY GHOST, as it was in the beginning, is now and always and to eternity. Amen!
Our FATHER, You who are in Heaven! Hallowed be Your Name! Your Kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And in temptation let us not fall, but deliver us from evil!
For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory from eternity to eternity. Amen!
The first three “Hail You, Saint Joseph” with the following additions:
Hail You, Saint Joseph, beloved Foster Father of JESUS CHRIST and and GOD-chosen Spouse of Mary. You are full of graces because the LORD is with You, You Blessed One amongst the Saints, and blessed is Your Foster Son, JESUS:
- Praised be GOD the FATHER, who created us.
- Praised be GOD the SON, who redeemed us.
- Praised be GOD the HOLY GHOST, who sanctified us.
Saint Joseph, pray to Your divine SON for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen!
Glory be …
After each “Glory Be”:
O my JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Your mercy. Amen!
Saint Michael the Archangel, with Your light enlighten us!
Saint Michael the Archangel, with Your wings protect us!
Saint Michael the Archangel, with Your sword defend and save us. Amen!
First fiver:
Our FATHER, You who are in Heaven! …
5 “Hail You” with the corresponding additions
Glory be …
O my JESUS …
Saint Michael the Archangel …
The second up to the fifth fiver follow likewise.
* * *
The Joyful Mysteries
- Whom You, Saint Joseph, have expected in fatherly joy
- For whose birth You provided fatherly care
- Whom You, Saint Joseph, full of joy carried in Your fatherly arms
- Whom You, too, Saint Joseph, offered up in the Temple
- Whom You, Saint Joseph, with Mary found again in the Temple
Freudenreicher Rosenkranz
- Den Du, heiliger Josef, in väterlicher Freude erwartet hast
- Für dessen Geburt Du väterliche Vorsorge trafst
- Den Du, heiliger Josef, voll Freude in Deinen väterlichen Armen trugst
- Den Du, heiliger Josef, im Tempel mitaufgeopfert hast
- Den Du, heiliger Josef, im Tempel mit Maria wiedergefunden hast

The Sorrowful Mysteries
- Who sweated blood for us
- Who was scourged for us
- Who was crowned with thorns for us
- Who carried the heavy Cross for us
- Who was crucified for us
The Glorious Mysteries
- Who rose from the dead
- Who ascended into Heaven
- Who sent us the HOLY GHOST
- Who received You, Saint Joseph, full of joy into Heaven
- Who raised You, Saint Joseph, to such a height in Heaven