Sep­tem­ber 2024

Privileges of St Joseph

Words about St Joseph from the Queen of Heav­en to Mary of Agreda:

No one is able to recog­nise his exalt­ed holi­ness until they have come to the vision of GOD. Then all will behold this mys­tery to their amaze­ment with prais­es to the LORD. On the Last Day, the damned will weep bit­ter­ly that they did not recog­nise nor use a pow­er­ful and effec­tive means of sal­va­tion, such as the inter­ces­sion of St Joseph, for the sake of their sins.

In the case of St Joseph, all the gifts bestowed upon him includ­ed an increase of his virtues and holi­ness, because his min­istry was a mat­ter of holi­ness and his own work­ing. The holi­er and more angel­ic he was, the more suit­able he was to be the Spouse of the Most Blessed Vir­gin Mary and the guardian of the mys­ter­ies of Heav­en. He had to be a mir­a­cle of holi­ness, and indeed he was. This mir­a­cle of his already began in the womb. Divine Prov­i­dence endowed him with excel­lent qual­i­ties and incli­na­tions towards virtue. He was sanc­ti­fied in the sev­enth month after his con­cep­tion. At this first sanc­ti­fi-cation, he was cleansed of orig­i­nal sin. At that time, his moth­er felt an unusu­al joy of the HOLY SPIRIT, with­out ful­ly under-stand­ing the mystery.

Joseph was very beau­ti­ful at his birth. He aroused an extra­or­di­nary joy in his pa-rents and rel­a­tives, as was the case with the birth of John the Bap­tist. As ear­ly as in the third year of his life, the LORD gave him the  more