Novem­ber 2024

The Holy, Heroic Joseph

He was pre­pared to use his phys­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al strength, even his life, to realise the divine plans. From his youth, Joseph was strong in sac­ri­fice and faith­ful. In his young life he had to pass many tests and he was always a joy to GOD.

How trust­wor­thy and enno­bled he was that GOD entrust­ed him with what was most dear to Him: the Infant JESUS and His Most Holy Moth­er. Every­thing he did for JESUS and Mary, he also did for us, mankind, for the redemp­tion of the world. Joseph also began to pray, sac­ri­fice and suf­fer for all of us. He did not know us and yet he loved us through his actions. Now Joseph became the great­est lover and bene­fac­tor of these holy Persons.

How self­less­ly and faith­ful­ly, how car­ing­ly did he pro­tect the Vir­gin Moth­er, while she nour­ished the divine Child in the liv­ing taber­na­cle. Joseph went about his dai­ly work qui­et­ly and con­tem­pla­tive­ly. His work was always under­pinned by prayer.

The Angel explained the mirac­u­lous event to Joseph. This made a deep impres­sion on his life. Joseph knew the Holy Scrip­tures. He knew about the promis­es through the Prophets, which he believed were soon to be ful­filled. With all his spir­i­tu­al and phys­i­cal strength, he was pre­pared to give his life for the Mes­si­ah. He was the car­pen­ter of Nazareth and knew how to help him­self in every­thing because he was very skil­ful. Car­ing self­less­ly for Mary and her Child was more